Profile Details
Qualification : M.S. FSOG(NIMS) FUICC(USA)
Experience: 20+ Years
- Specialist Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon.
- Life Member UICC (Geneva).
- UICC-ICRETT Fellow at the Memorial Sloan- Kettering cancer center, New York, USA.
- Formerly Fellow & Asst. Professor in Surgical Oncology at Nizam’s Institute Of Medical Sciences(NIMS), Hyderabad. A.P. India.
- Formerly Consultant Surgical Oncologist & Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon at Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), Secunderabad.
Other Training
- Certificate in basic life support course conducted by American Heart Association, at Apollo Hospitals, Jublee hills, Hyderabad, India 14 DEC 2004.
- Certificate in Advanced cardiac support course conducted by American Heart Association, at Apollo Hospitals, Jublee hills, Hyderabad, India ,. 14 DEC 2004.
- Completed Clinical Practice for Research Professionals course (ACRP) at Melbourne, Australia, 24-25 may 2006 .
- TARGIT Training for IORT 5th & 6th December 2013- Germany.
International Conferences
- International conference of plastic and Re constructive Surgery at University Hospital Muscat, Sultanate of Oman Dec 2-3, 1992.
- An International symposium cum workshop in surgical oncology, NIMS,Dec 1999.
- Asia pacific cancer congress, Chennai, India DEC 1999
- International symposium on Head and Neck Cancer, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New-York, USA, 23 SEP 2004.
- Cancer CI-2006, 11lh -12th Feb 2006 at Hyderabad, India
- Cancer CI-2008, 9th -10th Feb 2008 at Hyderabad, India.
National Conferences
- CME Programme , Kasturba Medical College, Manipal Sep 1989.
- CME Programme on GI Bleeding-Recent advances 12n April 1998.
- National Seminar in Plastic Surgery, Royal Hospital, Muscat,
- Sultanate of Oman Aug 1995.
- Indian Society of Oncology conference, Hyderabad. 9th -12lh Nov 2000.
- Indian society of Medical and pediatric oncology, NIMS,Hyderabad, feb 2001
- National conference of HPBAIC, Cochin, Kerala sep 2002
- Minimally Access Surgery for cancer conducted by
- Department of Surgical Oncology NIMS, Hyderabad. Apr 17, 2004
- Association of surgeons of India annual meeting Hyderabad, 26-30th Dec 2004.
Natcon IASO & BASO 2008, 19th-21 sept 2008 Hyderabd. India.
- IASO Conference GOA (National Conference) 4th to 7th Oct 2012.
- CME Breast Oncoplasty – Manipal Hospital, Bangalore 26th August 2012.
- APASCION – State Conference work shop 14th to 16th September 2012.
- Conducted Live Workshop on Oral Cancers BIACH &RI ( Feb -2011)
- Conducted Live Workshop on Gynecological Cancer (Sept. 2011)
- National Conference of ABSI Marriot, (2012) Hyderabad.
- Conducted Proctorship Programme on Oesophageal Cancer Oct- 2011 – BIACH&RI.
- Jan -2012 – Proctorship programme in Laparoscopy Gynaec Oncology conducted at BIACH & RI..
- Workshop on Thyroid Cancers conducted at BIACH & RI, Hyderabad.
- NATCON 4th to 7th October 2012 at Goa.
- ABSICON 2013 – May 16th to 19th at Chandigarh.
- Delivered Guest Lecture 17th May 2013 at ABSICON on Genetics of Breast Cancer.
- ICC 20th to 24th November 2013 at Delhi.
- INDO – UK Oncology Summit 6th to 7th September 2013 at Chennai.
- ASICON 2014 26th to 30th As faculty Chaired Session on Breast Diseases.
- ABC 2014 9th to 12th Oct at Goa.
- 1st INDO – BRISTISH advanced Master Class at Pune 31th Jan. 2014.
- ABSICON 2015 25th to 28th June INDORE as Faculty and chaired the Session.
- 2nd INDO – BRISTISH advanced Master Class at Pune on 15th Feb 2015.
Awards Recieved
Presentations and Publications
- PPPD and PG in Periampullary carcinoma- A Surgical experience, Cochin Kerala sep 2002
- Gastro access loop in Hepaticojejjunostomy, Cochin Kerala Sep 2002.
- Leiomyosarcomatosis, Clinical Proceedings, NIMS, Mar 2002.
International Publications
- APJCP issue 8 of volume 16,2015
- High Frequency codon 12 but not codon 13 and 61K-ras of breast in a south Indian population