Profile Details
Dr. Vibhavari Naik
Qualification: M.D., D.N.B. (Anaesthesiology)
Experience: 15+ Years
Pediatric anesthesia, Long term vascular access, Oncoanaesthesia
Dr Vibhavari Naik has more than 20 years of experience in anaesthesia. After being trained from the University of Pune and Christian Medical College Vellore, she moved to Hyderabad around 15 years back and has been working in this hospital for more than 10 years. She has worked in the University of California Los Angeles as Assistant Researcher. She has a keen interest in pediatric anesthesia and has been awarded the ‘Honorary Fellowship in Paediatric Anaesthesia’ by the Indian Association of Paediatric Anaesthesiologists. She has delivered talks at various national and international conferences. She has more than 35 publications in peer-reviewed journals and has written 6 chapters in textbooks. She is pleasant, approachable and caring. Beyond hospital hours, she loves taking care of her plants.
1. Naik VM, Rayani BK, Bharuka A. Failure of hinged tip laryngoscope due to design variation. J Anaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol 2021;37:135-6.
2. Nair AS, Saifuddin MS, Naik V, Rayani BK. Dexmedetomidine in cancer surgeries: Present status and consequences with its use. Indian J Cancer. 2020 Jul-Sep;57(3):234-238.
3. Seelam S, Nair AS, Christopher A, Upputuri O, Naik V, Rayani BK. Efficacy of single-shot ultrasound-guided erector spinae plane block for postoperative analgesia after mastectomy: A randomized controlled study. Saudi J Anaesth. 2020 Jan-Mar;14(1):22-27.
4. Nair AS, Naik VM, Busa N, Rayani BK. Triton sponge and canister app for estimating surgical blood loss. Saudi J Anaesth 2019; 13:390.
5. Nair AS, Naik VM, Upputuri O, Rayani BK. How to avoid malpositioning of central venous catheter using ultrasound? Ann Card Anaesth 2019; 22:455-6.
6. Naik VM, Mantha SS, Rayani BK. Vascular access in children. Indian J Anaesth 2019;63:737-45.
7. Naik VM, Saifuddin MS, Nair AS, Rayani BK. Acute onset quadriparesis following oesophagectomy due to isolated hypophosphataemia. Indian J Anaesth 2019;63:498-9.
8. Naik VM, Rao KS, Rayani BK, Subrahmanyam M, Subramanyam R. Long-term venous access devices and anesthesiologists. Update in Anaesthesia 2019; 33:62-69.
9. Nair AS, Naik V, Saifuddin MS, Anne P, Kumar KP, Rayani BK. An observational study for knowing the compliance of patients scheduled for major abdominal and thoracic cancer surgeries in a single specialty center. Anesth Essays Res 2018; 12:552-4.
10. Nair AS, Naik VM, Rayani BK. FAST HUGS BID: Modified mnemonic for surgical patient. Indian J Crit Care Med 2017; 21:713-4.